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Rabbi Yosef Ote   הרב יוסף אות

U.S. born Rabbi Yosef Ote was raised and educated in Israel. A talmid of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein Z”L, he studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion (1995-2003) and received semicha from Israel’s Chief Rabbinate.  He has a B.A. in Judaic Studies and an M.A. in Science, Jewish Law and Education from Bar Ilan University. He served as a Combat Unit Commander in the Givati Brigade of the IDF. He was the Rabbi of Noam School for Girls in Pisgat Ze’ev, as well as the Director of Educational Projects in Rav Rimon's Halacha Education Center, creating the Mishna curriculum for American Jewish Day Schools. He is also served as the rabbi and spiritual leader of Young Judaea Israel and is a member of Tzohar Rabbinical Organization.


Previously, Rabbi Ote served as a Rosh Beit Midrash, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Shalem, a night seder rebbe, a counselor for 2nd year overseas students and an elementary school teacher. He is a skilled Baal Kriah and he is familiar to us at Hovevei as the Baal Kriah for Eicha over the last several years. He recently moved to the neighbourhood with his wife, Atira, and their five children .

הלכה בדקה

a Minute of Halacha- daily halachot recorded by Rav Ote and sent by Whatsapp- to subscribe click here
הלכה יומית מפי הרב אות, נשלח בווטסאפ. להרשמה לחץ כאן
archive of recording   ארכיב של הקלטות
Vintage Recorder

תלחצו על הקישור למטה כדי להצטרף לקבוצת הווטסאפ השקטה של חידונים הנשלחים מידיי שבוע על הפרשה והחגים בסדר אלף בית, מאת עתירה אות.

Click the link below to join the silent whatsapp group for weekly, original, creative alphabetical quizzes composed by Atira Ote on the parsha and the chagim. 

Tanach shiur

ENGLISH Sundays 8:00 - 9:00 PM

Join with this link by ZOOM

Recordings of previous Tanach lessons.

שיעור שבועי באנגלית בימי ראשון ב 20:00.

ניתן להשתתף בלינק הבא בזום

הקלטות של שיעורי התנ"ך

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