
5 נוב 20231 דקות

חללי חרבות ברזל Baruch Dayan Emet

עודכן ב: מרץ 16

We mourn the death of Yonadav Levenstein HYD who fell in defense of the country. Yonadav is the husband of Hadar, grandson of Chana and Chaim Solomon and the son of Leora and Dr Mordechai (Michael) Levenstein Z"L.


The funeral took place on 5/11 11:00 at Har Herzl.

We mourn the tragic death of Eitan Menachem Neeman HY"D, son of Hadassah and Yaakov Z"L.


The funeral took place at 10:00 AM Wednesday at the civilian section, New Cemetery in Be'er Sheva 

We mourn the tragic death of  Yosef Malachi Guedalia, HY"D, son of Dina and David ('89 YC) Guedalia  and grandson of Rabbi Harris and Judi Z"L Guedalia.
